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Discover The Autoimmune
Wellbeing Roadmap To
Reduce Inflammation,
Improve Symptoms, and
Rekindle Your Joy !

Join the ‘Autoimmune Wellbeing Hub’ community to empower yourself and reclaim your health.
Book a FREE DISCOVERY CALL to learn how holistic living complements your treatment plan.

Exclusive Benefits of Autoimmune Wellbeing Hub

Health Practices

Learn to manage autoimmune conditions through a comprehensive approach that encompasses the mind-body connection, dietary changes, stress management, and lifestyle modifications.


Take charge of your health journey. Gain knowledge and confidence to make informed choices and adopt practical strategies for symptom management and better quality of life.


Share experiences, receive encouragement, and connect with others who understand your journey. This supportive environment fosters a sense of belonging and reduces isolation.


Participate in live challenges designed to help you gain momentum and consistently implement healthy habits. These challenges provide structured goals and quick action.


Expand your knowledge through informative courses that talk about autoimmune conditions, holistic practices, lifestyle modifications, and targeted symptom management strategies.


Learn and get all your doubts cleared and questions answered weekly. Benefit from regular coaching sessions to stay on track and motivated in your holistic health journey.

Your journey towards holistic health starts here. Get on one of the specialised courses or schedule a call with Pramila

Topics you’ll learn in the courses

This 3-day foundation course provides a step-by-step guide to seamlessly adopt a holistic lifestyle. You’ll explore the 3 pillars of a holistic lifestyle – Mind, Body, Soul – in detail

Assess and optimise six key life areas – Symptoms, Energy, Emotions, Functioning, Gut Health, and Self-Care – through our proprietary framework. Decode your lifestyle for comprehensive wellness

Dive into specialised courses that target common autoimmune symptoms, such as fatigue, stress, gut health, and sleep issues for improved well-being.

“True health is not merely the absence of disease, but the presence of vitality, joy, and purpose. To feel truly healthy, you must take charge of your health, embrace empowerment, and actively participate in your own well-being journey.”

About Me

I’m Pramila Gupta, dedicated to empowering women with autoimmune conditions to embrace a holistic lifestyle and reclaim their vitality.

Over 11 years ago, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Faced with harsh medications and debilitating side effects, I realised I needed a different path. Extensive research led me to holistic approaches, and today, I have been living medication-free for over a decade.

I offer a whole-person approach that harmonises mind, body, and soul. My courses help you make simple yet powerful lifestyle shifts, manage symptoms alongside medical treatments, and enhance overall well-being.

Join me to feel empowered and embrace health, joy, and a fulfilling family life. Book a call now, and let’s explore healing together.

Pick Your Symptom Related Course Today

“I am 76 years old and have been living with Rheumatoid Arthritis for 38 years. I am on steroids, painkillers and few other medications that control my acute joint pain. When I met Pramila and she started questioning me about my food habits, exercise routine and supplements I take, I realised I had not thought about their impact on my health all my life. Her diet plan, and supplements reduced my pain levels immediately and I could feel almost pain free for days.”


-D.R. Jalan

FREE Checklist

21 Steps Checklist to Improve Your Autoimmune Healing

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